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Getting Inspiration from MIT OCW Courses
A friend of mine shared with me a link to a most delectable video - Complexity: P, NP, NP-Completeness, Reductions by Erik Demaine, which was released via MIT OpenCourseWare.
Erik did a terrific job of explaining problems that undergrad me used to find intimidating. I was glad to be re-acquainted with the material again, even if I hardly if ever used them in my line of work. Looking to pick up more, I did a search on OCW for Erik's courses. To my surprise, I found 6.851 Advanced Data Structures!
This is going to be my Netflix and chill material for weeks to come. I could perhaps expand Data Structures v1 deck by a few more cards, or keep the new materials for an expansion pack.
Mmm so many things to do!


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